Hans Kristian Hegland

Hans Kristian holds an MSc in physics. He joined Schlumberger in 1985, then moved on to Elf Aquitaine before returning to Schlumberger in 1997. In 2005 he left Schlumberger to focus on start-up technologies and building new businesses. His career has taken him to postings in the Middle East, Far East and Europe.

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Tom W. Bakker

Tom holds a PhD in active cavitation and vibration technology development. He has worked for Shell from 1976 to 1996 before starting his own well engineering company Well Engineering Partners (WEP) in the Netherlands in 1996, performing Project management, technology innovation and studies. He retired from WEP in 2019 and joined TTC as a senior technical advisor and Board Member.

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Olav Fagerland Olsen

Olav is a Marine Engineer with an operational background as a naval engineer, drilling technician and maintenance superintendent. Throughout the last 15 years, he has worked in various R&D projects involving drilling equipment/robotization, downhole tools and power plants in companies such as Smedvig, Odfjell, Aker Solutions and Inventas. He founded TTC in 2012.

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Torsion Tool Company moves office

Torsion Tool Company AS moves office from Jåttåvågen to EnergyX`s (link) facillities at Ålgård 25km south of Stavanger. The site is a cluster of relevant companies that offers services like engineering, CNC workshop, labs and a full scale drilling rig.

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We have signed a R&D agreement with REELWELL

Torsion Tool Company AS have signed R&D agreement with REELWELL (link). TTC and RW will together investigate the feasebility of implementing the patended TTC tubular connection onto REELWELL`s equipment portofolio.

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First operation with the new heavy duty TTC connections

First operation with the new heavy duty TTC connections incorporated in the latest INNOVAR tool used in the North Sea. The milling operation was a success and the tool was serviced and mobilized for a new operation the same week.

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The first commercial well operation

The first commercial well operation with connection technology from TTC was successfully conducted in Oman. Each tool from INNOVAR included two connections from TTC.

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License agreement with Innovar Solutions

Torsion Tool Company AS has signed a licens agreement with INNOVAR SOLUTIONS AS (link). The agreement gives Innovar axcess to use of the threadless connection developed by TTC on their down hole tool portifolio. Innovar is a well-reputed and experienced supplier of magnet tools and other equipment for drilling in the oil & gas industry and for waterfall tunnel drilling.

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