As the first threadless solution, the quick connector is strong enough to endure different loads and combinations of tension and torsion, with the same high torque capacity clockwise and counter-clockwise. The TTC technology is applicable for deep geothermal wells and oil and gas wells.
The TTC technology does not require any rotation or heavy-duty equipment:
1. Stab the pin into the box.
2. Inject high-pressure water-based fluid and press the connection to end stop.
3. Release pressure drain fluid, and the connection is ready for operation.
The result:
– Time saved – quick connection
– Improved performance – longer and faster drilling
– Less drag – slim design, better cleanout
Threadless connection integrated into the cross-over subs for use in conditions with limited available cross-section and the need for a strong non-rotation “slide-on” connection. Dimensions 1,9 and 2,75 inch.
Stabilizers mounted with the TTC technology on a downhole tool for harsh drilling and milling operations. Can handle extensive forces and vibrations.
– Extreme torque capacity clockwise and counter clockwise (example: +80 kNm / +59 kftlb on a 5 inch tool)
– No loose parts such as set screws or similar locking devices
– High axial load capacity (example: +200 tons / +440 klb on a 5 inch tool)
– Easy make and break without need for rotation or heavy equipment
A heavy duty connection suited for high loads and vibrations down hole in the north sea. The connection has the same high torque capacity clock wise and counter-clock and a reduced cross section compared to traditional premium double shoulder pipe connections.
– Torque: +110kNm / +80kft/lb (cw and ccw)
– Tension: +500ton /+1.1mill lb
The technical benefits give extended reach and ratio of penetration.